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World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th of October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing. We encourage professionals and women to participate in this global awareness raising campaign by printing and sharing these materials, organising events to engage their communities, and sharing World Menopause Day social media posts.

The theme for World Menopause Day 2023 was Cardiovascular Disease.

The White Paper, Information Leaflet for Women, Engagement Toolkit and all available translations are available to download below.

Click on the relevant button below to go straight to the section you wish to view or just scroll through the whole page at your own pace.

IMS White Paper

Leaflet for Women

Engagement Toolkit

Expert Interview – for Women
Expert Interview – for HCPs 
Reports from around the World

Switzerland United Kingdom Nicaragua Bangladesh Italy Netherlands Croatia India Indonesia Philippines
Previous World Menopause Days


The IMS White Paper – Reproductive milestones across the lifespan and cardiovascular disease risk in women

To download and read the White Paper, click on the appropriate language below:

English  Arabic  Chinese  Croatian  Dutch  French  German  Hebrew  Hungarian  Italian  Malaysian  Mongolian  Portuguese  Russian  Spanish  Taiwanese



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Leaflet for Women

IMS has produced the Patient Information Leaflet to help women to better understand the condition and how it can be managed and treated.

To download and read the Leaflet for Women, click on the appropriate language below:

English  Bangla  Chinese  Croatian  Dutch  French  Greek  Hebrew  Hungarian  Italian  Malaysian  Mongolian  Portuguese  Spanish  Taiwanese  Turkish




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Engagement Toolkit

Organisations, professionals and women are all encouraged to participate in the World Menopause Day global awareness raising campaign by sharing our educational resources, organising events and engaging with social media posts.

This Engagement Toolkit will enable you to share and promote your activities to a global audience. Click on the image below to download.


Social Media Assets

Social media assets can be accessed via the link below.

Download Here

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Reports from Around the World

Please forward your own experiences and photos to for inclusion here.


The Herea Menopause Network in Switzerland have published a blog post on Cardiovascular Disease to commemorate this year’s World Menopause Day.

To read the blog, click on the image below.

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United Kingdom

British Menopause Society and ITN Business launch a new campaign “Menopause: Misinformation and Management”

What:             Campaign launch “Menopause: Misinformation and Management”
Where:– click here to watch
When:            Broadcast on World Menopause Day, 18 October 2023

The British Menopause Society (BMS) and ITN Business have teamed up to produce a ground breaking news-style programme and digital campaign, “Menopause: Misinformation and Management”. Hosted by the presenter Louise Minchin, this collaboration highlights how clinicians can support women to navigate their way through menopause misinformation by accessing credible research and clinically verified education.

During the programme, Louise hosts an exclusive studio interview with Dr Paula Briggs, Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health and British Menopause Society Chair, along with Dr Haitham Hamoda, Consultant Gynaecologist and immediate past Chair. Dr Briggs and Mr Hamoda discuss how women can navigate misinformation and where they can turn for trusted advice, researching the right treatment for them. With the benefit of increased awareness, the interviewees also address the fears and concerns of younger women who are yet to experience menopause.

As methods and treatments develop, combined with heightened interest and awareness, the programme highlights the increased amount of misinformation on the menopause, which is leading to confusion for many women. BMS, the specialist authority for menopause and post reproductive health in the UK, educates, informs and guides healthcare professionals working in both primary and secondary care, on menopause and all aspects of post reproductive health. Working in partnership with Women’s Health Concern (WHC), clinically verified information about the menopause is available to all women.

Sara Moger, CEO of British Menopause Society says, “The increased profile of the menopause is welcome – and it’s great that women, their partners and families, clinicians, the government, the media and celebrities are talking openly about this important transitional stage of a woman’s life. The downside is that there is an enormous amount of misinformation and anecdotal information bombarding women. This is causing confusion, anxiety, apprehension and fear. Fear of the symptoms, fear of the consequences, fear of ‘missing out’ if HRT is not for you, and fear of catastrophic changes to relationships – in the workplace and in life generally.

“The British Menopause Society and our sister charity WHC provide trustworthy, peer-reviewed, authoritative information, education, guidance and advice. We want women to know that they can have absolute confidence in the resources on the BMS and WHC websites, so they can be reassured and empowered to manage the menopause in the right way for their individual circumstances.”

The ITN Business programme also features reporter-led sponsored editorial profiles from the following organisations:

  • Accord Healthcare: is at the forefront of creating an environment and culture for people to be well at work with a wellbeing programme that empowers colleagues to take more direct control over their physical health.
  • Astellas Pharma: is engaging with diverse communities to understand the solutions that are needed to provide better education and care to all women living through the menopause.
  • Besins Healthcare: addresses the taboo surrounding the menopause, hearing from women who are working to raise awareness of the lesser-known symptoms of the menopause, and advocate for women of all backgrounds to receive equal access to menopause treatment, support, and education.
  • The British Standards Institution: In this studio interview Susan Taylor Martin, BSI CEO and Anne Hayes, Director of Standards Development and Sector, discuss the launch of British Standard for menstruation, menstrual health, and menopause in the workplace, and how this is helping organisations and supporting workers.
  • Crawford and Company: are committed to providing the environment and support required for women to manage their symptoms, remain in work, and continue to perform to the best of their ability.
  • Moody’s: have created a workplace culture that encourages employees to openly address menopause-related concerns, helping those directly impacted and those caring for individuals navigating the menopause.

Nina Harrison-Bell, Head of ITN Business says, “Having seen the impactful discussions stemming from our prior collaborations with the British Menopause Society, we recognise the significance of maintaining a constant focus on menopause. We are proud to be part of the effort to ensure education and accurate information around the menopause continues.”

“Menopause: Misinformation and Management” launches this World Menopause Day, 18th October 2023, as a YouTube live on the BMS YouTube channel at 12pm and features news items, interviews and sponsored editorial profiles. The British Menopause Society supports the programme with an extensive education campaign.

For more information, please contact Nina Harrison-Bell on


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Dr Elena Armeni and Dr Punith Kempegowda from University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust in association with CoMICsLite have developed the following video and successfully launched it on World Menopause Day.


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The coordinator of the CLIMATERIC, MENOPOUSE AND ENDOCRINOLOGY NICARAGUAN ASSOCIATION (ANCYMEG), Dr. Ivan Romero, tells us about their activities celebrating “World day of Menopause, focus on Health and Cardiovascular themes”.

The events happened on October 13th and 14th, virtually and physically presented by gynecologists and other specialities. There were 25 lectures across 8 Modules with 7 international speakers and 16 local speakers.

See the scientific program below, and some great pictures of the event. Click on the program to download it.




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The Bangladesh Menopause Society celebrated World Menopause day in their Dhaka club with the theme of Cardiovascular Disease in Menopause.

The Bengali leaflet was published for dissemination of the important risks that need to be looked after during the menopause transitions. Two brilliant key note speakers and an interesting Q/A session were enjoyed by everybody.

Let us keep our heart healthy which is the major killer of Postmenopausal women.


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Donna in Salute, a female led website in Italy, dedicated to writing about issues related to female health, wellness, beauty, nutrition, psychology, art and culture, published the following article on World Menopause Day – “Menopause: today, in Italy, it’s time for a change” featuring IMS President-elect Rossella Nappi.


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World Menopause Day in Amsterdam was celebrated with a successful information market. There were several stalls with information about the heart, bone and brain and also about nutrition and lifestyle, sex, acupuncture, hormone therapy and many books. A number of general practitioners answered questions and there was a workshop on menopause by an artist. Dorenda van Dijken gave a lecture to the staff of the hospital and, at the end of the lecture, the local deputy mayor came and knighted Dorenda for all her efforts in the Netherlands to gain better attention for women in menopause!



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Ivan Fistonic, Croatian Menopause Society, promoted World Menopause Day in Croatia via Social Media with the video below.


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Manch Sudha Club 35 forum for Midlife Women’s Wellness organised a public awareness programme on 17th October in association with Indian Menopause Society. The impact of reproductive factors on the cardiovascular health of women talk was delivered by Dr. Alka Kumar. While consulting their health consultant women should talk to their doctors about their reproductive life span history. Reproductive complications example Preeclampsia, breast cancer, premature menopause and many other factors are some of the causes of cardiovascular failure. Women should check their Blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels. Cardio-respiratory exercises demonstrated by Dr Divya Balki, Physiotherapist.

On 18th October CME on Cardiovascular Diseases in Women was organised in association with the Indian Menopause Society. Senior Gynaecologist of the city Dr. Manjula Rohatgi was the chief guest. Dr Alka kumar spoke on Cardiovascular Assessment in Menopausal transition. Dr. Anjalee Chivane professor of medicine spoke on cardiovascular diseases and management in Pregnancy.

World Menopause Day Flyer was released. The flyer is circulated on all the social media groups.

A video titled ‘Love your heart ‘ was launched at the hands of Dr. Asha Bajaj chairperson of CME. To watch the video click here : Menopause Awareness Video

The CME was followed by a quiz on cardiovascular health.

Top Left : Launching of WMD Leaflet
Top Right : Felicitation of Dr. Alka Kumar
Middle : Dr. Alka Kumar presenting CVD
Bottom left : Dr. Anjalee Chivane presenting
Bottom Right: Dr. Anjali Dharaskar conducting the quiz.

Flyer for the event


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In October 2023, Perminesia (Indonesian Menopause Association) actively engaged in several activities relevant to our mission of supporting the well-being of women going through menopause. Here is a brief report on these activities:

  1. Scientific Meeting APMF in Kuta Bali (October 6-8, 2023):
    Perminesia actively participated in the Scientific Meeting organized by the Asia Pacific Menopause Federation (APMF) in Kuta Bali. During this event, experts from across the Asia Pacific region gathered to discuss the latest developments in the management of menopause and related health issues. Perminesia presented the latest research findings conducted by its members and actively participated in discussions promoting valuable knowledge exchange.
  2. Joint Exercise with the Ling Tien Kung Sasana GBLA Community, Bandung (October 21, 2023):
    Perminesia collaborated with the Ling Tien Kung Sasana GBLA Community to organize a joint exercise event. The event aimed to educate the community on the importance of a healthy lifestyle during menopause. In addition to exercise, we provided information on healthy eating habits and stress management. The event was attended by hundreds of participants and received a positive response from the community.
  3. Public Seminar on Aging Gracefully and Healthily at Bandung Kiwari Hospital (October 27, 2023):
    Perminesia, in partnership with Bandung Kiwari Hospital, organized a public seminar on aging gracefully and healthily. The seminar aimed to provide easily understandable information to the general public about the changes that occur during menopause and how to manage them effectively. In addition to expert talks, the seminar also included a yoga session with the local community, emphasizing the importance of physical well-being and mental relaxation during menopause.

Scientific Meeting APMF in Kuta Bali

Joint Exercise with the Ling Tien Kung Sasana GBLA Community, Bandung

Public Seminar on Aging Gracefully and Healthily at Bandung Kiwari Hospital

All of the above activities ran smoothly and received positive feedback from participants and the community. Perminesia remains committed to supporting the well-being of women going through menopause and will continue to participate in activities that align with this mission.

Dr. dr. Tita Husnitawati Madjid, Sp.OG, Subsp. FER (K)
President Perminesia

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The Philippines Society of Climacteric Medicine (PSCM) held its inaugural Menopause Walk as part of their World Menopause Day celebrations on Sunday 22nd October 2023.

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Previous World Menopause Days

2022 – Cognition and Mood

2021 – Bone Health
2020 – Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
2019 – Testosterone for Women at Midlife
2018 – Sexual Wellbeing after Menopause
2017 – Perimenopausal Bleeding
2016 – Heart Health Matters
2015 – Menopause and the Aging Brain
2014 – Prevention of Diseases after Menopause
2013 – Oncology in Midlife and Beyond
2012 – Understanding Weight Gain at Menopause
2011 – Hot Flushes and Night Sweats


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