Dr. Céline Sayed is a Canadian-trained early-career family medicine physician with special interest in medical gynecology, family planning and menopause medicine. She is bilingual in French and English.
She completed medical school and Family Medicine Residency at the University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), followed by an enhanced skills year in women’s health affiliated to both the University of Ottawa and Queen’s University (Ontario, Canada). During her training, she discovered her passion for menopause medicine and mid-life women’s health while working in the Menopause Clinic and Premature Ovarian Failure Clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto (Ontario, Canada) under the mentorship of Dr Wendy Wolfman, a pioneer in menopause medicine in both Canada and internationally. She became a member of the Canadian Menopause Society and obtained her Menopause Society Certified Practitioner (MSCP) credential. Recently, she attended the Menopause Society 2024 Annual Meeting in Chicago (Illinois, USA) a recipient of The Menopause Society Thomas Clarkson/Leon Speroff Trainee Scholarship.
Dr Sayed is honoured and grateful to be a recipient of the Young Scholars Bursary, giving her the opportunity to attend the 19th World Congress on Menopause in Melbourne, Australia. As an early-career physician with a special interest of mid-life women’s health, she is excited to attend this World Congress and learn from fellow colleagues, and menopause medicine pioneers, while being part of a community that values and upholds the health of mid-life women as a priority. Her hope is to continue to offer the best possible evidence-based medicine while working towards dismantling the silence, misinformation and stigma of the menopause transition.
LinkedIn handle is: www.linkedin.com/in/céline-sayed-8662b11a6