Associate Professor Ang Seng Bin, MBBS, MMed(Family Medicine) is a Family Physician, Senior Consultant at Family Medicine Service and Menopause Centre of KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Singapore. Dr Ang has been active in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and has several teaching appointments which include Director of Innovations, SingHealth Duke-NUS Family Medicine Academic Clinical Programme (FM ACP), Associate Programme Director of SingHealth Family Medicine (FM) Residency Program, Physician Faculty for the SingHealth Obstetrics & Gynaecology (OBGYN) Residency Program, Clinical Associate Professor in O&G, Paediatric as well as FM clerkships for Duke-NUS Medical School. His research interests include osteoporosis, menopause, sexual health, healthcare innovations as well as dermatology.
His involvement in healthcare technology includes his current role as Fellow in Ministry of Health (Singapore) Office of Healthcare Transformation (MOHT), looking at telehealth solutions for the primary care as well as technology enablers for integration of care between health, social and community care sectors. He is also the inventor and founder of Dermacool®, a wet wrap garment that has been proven to be effective in the management of moderate to severe eczema. The Dermacool® fabric has also been adapted to create mask during the Covid-19 Pandemic in May 2020. Dr Ang has been the key driver of the pilot Match-A-Nurse programme in SingHealth, funded by MOH which provided a sharing economy platform for institutional nurses to care for patients with nursing needs outside their work hours. Dr Ang was also the Lead in the development of MWHealth, a program that was developed to provide infectious surveillance in the migrant workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Singapore and is still being used by the Ministry of Manpower for disease surveillance and control in the migrant workers. He has also been appointed as advisors to various technology companies such as Actxa Singapore. His current research include using wearables to assess diabetes risk non-invasively combining Machine learning technique, Mixed Reality with Hololens for medical teaching in collaboration with ST Engineering Land Systems and Group Drumming impact on the health of seniors.
Dr Ang has been deeply involved in various charities in Singapore such as Vice-Chairman of SATA Commhealth, Board of Trustees of Toteboard, Past-Chairman of Shine Children and Youth Services, Past-Chairman of Allkin Singapore Ltd, Past Vice-President of National Council of Social Services, and Past Board Member of Agency of Integrated Care. He was involve in strategic planning as well as rebranding in various of those charities as well as being involved financial and governance roles.
Dr Ang has been an active member of various local and international societies. He is currently the President-Elect, International Menopause Society, Past President of Asian Federation of Osteoporosis Societies, Council Member of Asia Pacific Menopause Federation, President of Menopause Research Society (Singapore) and President of Osteoporosis Society Singapore. He has also been an invited speaker at many international conferences on topics relating to osteoporosis, menopause, Medical Technology and obesity.
He hopes he can use his experience in governance, succession planning, financial diligence as well as the links to the primary care and family medicine to contribute to the growth of IMS. He also hopes continue to learn from the fellow board members as well as IMS members to ensure the continuity and growth of the society to benefit both healthcare professionals as well as women around the world.